Dead ’til Dawn Takes to the Sea


Great news! As of my last update from the manufacturer, the games were loaded onto a boat in Shanghai on the 15th, and should be powering across the Pacific ocean RIGHT NOW! She sent me these photos to share with you guys:


The estimated shipping time is 15 days, though a close friend of mine who knows a ton about shipping just warned me yesterday that things like shipping and importing are tricky, and to expect more delays, just because there often are many things that can happen, like inspections taking extra long, paperwork delays, pirates, whales, etc.


The games should arrive in Seattle in about two weeks, and then get loaded onto a truck and taken to Portland, Oregon, where they’ll be unboxed and re-boxed and boxed off to you! Boxed, of course.

In just a few short weeks, fifty of these boxes of boxes will arrive!


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